Wannamaker Genealogy

exploring the connections between Wannamaker, Wanamaker, Wannemacher, and Wannenmacher family groups through Y-DNA testing (BigY-700)

Jacob Wannamaker’s Name on the Wall of Honor at Ellis Island (NYC)

Next Summer, if you are planning a trip to New York City, you might want to include a visit to the American Immigrant Wall of Honor at Ellis Island. The Wall of Honor represents immigrants who came to this land through “all points of entry, and all modes of travel.” Although Philadelphia was the port of entry (1738) for our immigrant ancestor, at Ellis Island you will be able to see an inscription, honoring the progenitor of the SC branch of the Wannamaker family, Jacob Wannamaker.

Hope to see you there!

Update:  January 2020

If you recall, Jacob Wannamaker arrived in Philadelphia on November 9, 1738, aboard the ship, Charming Nancy.

So, on November 9, 2019, my husband and I made a symbolic trip to Ellis Island in honor of Jacob Wannamaker’s journey in order to see his name inscribed on the Wall of Honor. Though our journey was much shorter and less treacherous, taking an uneventful subway ride and a fun tour of the harbor and museums, the effort was still moving.  As we walked through the walls of history at Ellis Island, we couldn’t help but imagine Jacob’s perilous adventure in seeking a better life for himself and his future family. I’m truly grateful that he did.

Ellis Island Wall of Honer Panel 738 Jacob Wannamaker 013120
The inscription was finally ready in August 2019, later than expected.
Ellis Island 110919 1
Approaching Ellis Island….
Ellis Island 110919 3
At the back of the museum is the Wall of Honor. There are many sections of the wall, and the one on the left side of my husband, Steve, is where we will find Jacob’s name.
Ellis Island Wall of Honor 110919
Getting closer….
Ellis Island Jacob W Inscription Julia Wannamaker 013120
Here it is!!!
Ellis Island Jacob's Name 110919 a
I found Jacob’s baptismal record after I ordered the inscription. That’s why Jacob’s first name is not included here. Nor was I sure of the spelling of his last name, Wannemacher or Wannenmacher. I think it’s just as well since most people will search the wall, using “Jacob Wannamaker” and not Johann Jacob Wannemacher.
Ellis Island Wall of View of New York Harbor 110919
Heading home! Even though it was very cold, especially on the water, it was a gorgeous day in New York City…..just perfect for this exciting day!

My father has added an inscription in honor of The Wannemacher Family across the globe. Hopefully, it will be ready in the fall of this year (2020).

Update: September 3, 2020

It’s ready! If you visit Ellis Island in the future, you will be able to see the new panel as well, honoring the extended Wannemacher family across the globe and the Wannemacher descendants who made the journey to America.

Ellis Island Wall of Honor The Wannemacher Family Panel donated by Braxton Bryant Wannamaker MD 090320

Once you are inside the museum, you will be to look up the locations of the panels (738 and 764) on the computers.


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Originally posted in August 2018