Wannamaker Genealogy

exploring the connections between Wannamaker, Wanamaker, Wannemacher, and Wannenmacher family groups through Y-DNA testing (BigY-700)

Wannemachers of Erzhausen

Yes, this line is a Y-DNA match!

We share enough STR markers to say this family group is related to the other two lines within a genealogical time frame.

This is very exciting news for the Wannemacher family of Ezhausen because, to date, documentation which could demonstrate a connection between this family and Hengin (1450) of Darmstadt has not been found. In fact, in her article, The Wannemachers in the Darmstadt Region, featured in the Hessische Familienkunde (Volume 19, number 5, 1989, March 1989), Helma Wannemacher Richter states that “The extensive ancestry list of the Wannemachers in Erzhausen begins in 1690. It could not be clarified whether this line likewise comes from Darmstadt.”

At least, genetically, the connection has now been established all because of Y-DNA testing! Hopefully, this discovery will be helpful in finding that elusive genealogical connection.

Translation provided by:
Ginny Lewis, Ph.D., Professor of German, Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD


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