Wannamaker Genealogy

exploring the connections between Wannamaker, Wanamaker, Wannemacher, and Wannenmacher family groups through Y-DNA testing (BigY-700)

Family Groups

On these pages, the intent is to share information about our immigrant ancestors and their descendants in the direct paternal Wannemacher lines of descent. By sharing this information, the goal is to help others connect their own Wannemacher lines, genealogically, to those who have submitted a Y-DNA test.

If you are a male in a direct paternal Wannemacher line of descent, please consider taking a Y-DNA test. The Wannamaker Surname Project is open to all qualified males with the surname Wannemacher (and spelling variants). To “complete the circle,” we are especially looking for Y-DNA testers who descend from:

  1. Phillip Wannemacher (1554)
  2. Wolf Wannemacher (1556)
  3. Hans Bernard Wannemacher (1699)
  4. Johann Pieter Wannemacher (1693 Darmstadt – 1765 NJ) m. Clara Schmidt

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at juliawannamaker@gmail.com
